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Community Content & GameplaySee what's trending within the infinite versus community. Members can upload content to the community website to promote videos, showcase mods & show off playthroughs.
Our discord provides resources for modders to use. Template mods for characters, stages, audio, assists, and stories are all available to the community along with a detailed tutorial to guide new modders. Discord also provides users with a community to ask questions and collaborate with. All public mods are available for download in-game, without the need to restart or log-in to an account.
BLITZ NETCODE: is a new innovative networking technique that eliminates all input delay. Blitz is fundamentally different from the way delay-based and rollback netcode deal with input-delay. The few predictions made within blitz networking are all predestined and function without the occurrence of network fossils. Unlike rollback, Blitz only uses prediction in a limited manner that helps with syncing split-second long-distance character movements. Blitz is currently one of the only fighting based net codes that operate with dedicated low latency servers to provide players with a faster and more stable multiplayer experience.